Sparkling Christmas snowflakes in this new android app
bring a true White Christmas sensation!
Imagine that a wonderful snowflake has fallen from sky and landed right at your Android home screen. Come on, touch it!
Contains 9 clock widgets in 2x2 size and links to alarm clock.
Please tip few mBTC to: 14YxVyihmKpTpt7yXFMc2trzH8vUTg2zAq
Buy full version 'Crystal Snow Clock': no ads, more widget sizes
By downloading and/or using this mobile application (the “App” or “Service”) you (“You”) accept and agree to be bound by the following terms of service (“Terms of Service”) and all applicable laws and regulations governing the App. If you do not agree with the following terms and conditions, do not download or install this App.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Sparkling kepingan salju Natal di aplikasi ini android baru
membawa sensasi White Christmas benar!
Bayangkan bahwa kepingan salju yang indah telah jatuh dari langit dan mendarat tepat di layar awal Android Anda. Ayo, menyentuhnya!
Berisi 9 widget jam dalam ukuran 2x2 dan link ke jam alarm.
Harap tips beberapa mBTC ke: 14YxVyihmKpTpt7yXFMc2trzH8vUTg2zAq
Beli versi lengkap "Crystal Salju Jam ': tidak ada iklan, lebih ukuran widget
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